Honda targeted this 2 speed automatic towards new riders
The Hondamatic transmission was initially developed for the motorcycle engine powered Honda N360 Kei car
It uses a torque converter but left the shifting up to the rider
It can be ridden in either 1st or 2nd gear
The engine has lower compression, smaller carbs (26mm), a milder cam, fourintoone exhaust, and an accelerator pump fitted to the #2 carburetor (feeding all four) to alleviate any flat spot off idle
Many of these were repurposed into drag racing bikes
Honda targeted this 2 speed automatic towards new riders
The Hondamatic transmission was initially developed for the motorcycle engine powered Honda N360 Kei car
It uses a torque converter but left the shifting up to the rider
It can be ridden in either 1st or 2nd gear
The engine has lower compression, smaller carbs (26mm), a milder cam, fourintoone exhaust, and an accelerator pump fitted to the #2 carburetor (feeding all four) to alleviate any flat spot off idle
Many of these were repurposed into drag racing bikes